Urinary incontinence can have different causes and factors, but the primary cause is a weakness in the pelvic floor muscles. This interconnected band of strong connective tissues and muscles hold the pelvic organs in place. They control the bladder, helping to hold or pass urine. Over time our muscles and tissues weaken. Pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause all play a role.
Then one day we notice something new and unwanted — a leak. At first, it happens during an event such as a hard sneeze, but then it becomes more frequent. Pretty soon, you’re getting up three or four times a night. You can’t exercise without worrying. You worry while driving. Now your urinary incontinence is affecting your quality of life.
What is Emsella?
At Northwest Women’s Center, we’re excited to offer the latest technology to treat urinary incontinence for our patients — BTL Emsella®. BTL Emsella® stimulates the pelvic floor muscles with thousands of contractions per session in a completely non-invasive treatment. This stimulation leads to regained strength in the pelvic floor muscles and regained control over your bladder.
How does Emsella work?
BTL Emsella® uses electromagnetic waves to create about 12,000 contractions of the pelvic muscles in a 28-minute session. These are basically Kegel exercises, but this level of contraction frequency is impossible on your own. By making the pelvic floor muscles contract to this degree, these muscles become stronger. This allows the patient to regain control over her bladder and her incontinence either fully resolve or dramatically improves.
Who is an ideal candidate for Emsella?
At Northwest Women’s Center, we find that any of our patients who are dealing with urinary incontinence are good candidates for BTL Emsella®. The treatment is completely non-invasive. There isn’t any recovery. All you have to lose is your irritating incontinence.
What is an Emsella Treatment like?
When patients come in for these treatments, they’re amazed at the simplicity brought to you by our practitioners. The device generates electromagnetic waves and directs them upwards into the patient’s pelvic area. The electromagnetic waves, which have no harmful effect on the human body, stimulate the pelvic muscles to contract quite rapidly.

Over the course of your 28-minute Emsella® treatment, you will have 12,000 contractions. Try doing that many Kegel exercises in a lifetime, much less 28 minutes!
That’s it. When your 28 minutes are up you head out and get back to your normal activities immediately. BTL Emsella® recommends six treatments, scheduled twice a week for the regained control to stop your incontinence.
Are these Emsella Treatments painful?
It’s hard to believe, but all you do is sit on the Emsella® Kegel Throne for 28 minutes while the electromagnetic waves do their thing. You’re fully clothed and can simply read a magazine or book during your session. There isn’t any pain at all. Our patients say they experience tingling and pelvic floor muscle contractions. The feelings aren’t unpleasant in the least.
When will I see results from Emsella?
Our patients express feeling immediate changes and results after their first session. These build as the pelvic muscles become stronger. Over the course of your six Emsella® sessions, you’ll become more and more confident and have less and less leakage.
How Long Will the Results from EMSELLA Last?
Results from EMSELLA can last between four to 12 months, depending on your condition. Most patients will be able to notice results in two to four weeks after their first treatment.
Multiple EMSELLA sessions may be needed to achieve long-lasting results. Because EMSELLA involves treating the pelvic muscles, we recommend patients schedule follow-up treatments every three to six months to maintain their results.
Are There Any Risks with EMSELLA Treatment?
While EMSELLA is a perfectly safe procedure approved by the FDA, there are still a few risks it can come with that patients should be aware of. These risks may include the following:
- Muscle pain
- Muscle spasms
- Joint or tendon pain
- Redness
Common side effects, such as muscle soreness, will usually disappear several days after treatment. However, under the care of our highly experienced medical practitioners, patients can feel confident knowing that if any complications are experienced during their EMSELLA treatment or their recovery, they can turn to Northwest Women’s Center for immediate, high-quality care.
How Can I Prepare for My EMSELLA Treatment?
Preparing ahead of time can make your treatment go smoothly. Before your treatment, we recommend patients consult with their primary doctor about stopping any medications that may potentially interfere with EMSELLA treatment. Because magnet technology is used with EMSELLA, patients must remove all metal jewelry before beginning treatment. Wearing comfortable, loose clothing to your treatment may also help you feel more comfortable and relaxed.
How Can I Keep My Pelvic Muscles Healthy While Undergoing EMSELLA Treatment?
While at home, patients can do many things to strengthen their pelvic floor muscles to optimize their overall while undergoing EMSELLA treatments. Doing exercises such as kegel exercises, squats, and toe taps can help keep your muscles stretched, flexible, and strong. Diaphragmatic breathing and relaxing exercises such as yoga can also be helpful. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet that allows your body to get the proper nutrients it needs can also help strengthen your pelvic floor.
Are my Emsella Treatments covered by insurance?
The FDA cleared Emsella® on January 22, 2019, so it is a brand new treatment for urinary incontinence. Because it is still a new procedure, it is not currently covered by all insurance plans. At Northwest Women’s Center, we work with your insurer to gain the maximum coverage possible for every treatment we provide. This will likely be an evolving insurance issue as BTL Emsella® becomes more well known in the health care world.

Schedule a Consultation
To schedule a consultation or to learn more about our Emsella services, contact us today at 281.444.3440. Our practice serves Houston, TX and the surrounding areas.