Understanding When You Might Need the Colposcopy Procedure

Woman in blue dress sitting and waiting for her gynecological check-up At Northwest Women’s Center of Houston, TX, we work with women to help them with their obstetrical and gynecological care. Our team of caring, experienced providers ensures that women have access to reproductive health solutions throughout their lives. With our team, we can provide various diagnostic tools and services to women who visit our facility, including the colposcopy procedure. This diagnostic tool is used to look for signs of specific problems that may be causing issues for women, including pelvic pain or cancer. The colposcope is best described as a particular type of microscope that is used to magnify an area of the cervix or vagina.

When Might I Need To Undergo a Colposcopy Procedure?

A colposcopy procedure is typically recommended if a woman’s Pap smear results come back as abnormal. Other indications for having a colposcopy include persistent or recurrent abnormal vaginal bleeding, unexplained pelvic pain, or an increased risk of cervical cancer due to family history or past exposure to human papillomavirus (HPV). Additionally, some women who have recently been treated for precancerous cells may need to have a follow-up colposcopy.

What Can I Expect During a Colposcopy?

The procedure is normally done in an office or clinical setting at Northwest Women’s Center of Houston, TX, and usually takes about 15 minutes. During the examination, our physician will use a magnifying device called a colposcope to closely examine the cervix, vagina, vulva, and other surrounding organs. A special solution is used to help the doctor identify abnormal areas in the tissue and any suspicious lesions, growths, or sores. Depending on what is observed, additional test samples may be taken for further investigation.

Who Can I Contact for Any Questions I Might Have About the Colposcopy Procedure?

If you have questions about colposcopy or would like to schedule an appointment for a consultation with our team of physicians at Northwest Women’s Center, please call us today! We are here to answer your questions and provide quality gynecological care for patients in and around Houston, TX. Our office can be reached by calling 281-444-3440.

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