When you find out you’re pregnant, it’s sometimes equal parts exciting and overwhelming. Other times, the excitement comes first and it takes a few days for the reality to set in. If there’s a new person coming into the world, and you’re in charge of it, how do you do it? What will you do about work? There are so many questions. And the answers can help you feel more in control and in charge as your baby continues to grow.
Keep reading for some great questions to consider asking you OB/GYN during your first baby appointment.
- Are there any restrictions I need to know about if I choose to travel while pregnant?
- Are there any changes to my beauty routine I need to make? Can I still paint my nails or use hair dye?
- What over-the-counter medications are safe, and in what dosage? Are there any I should avoid?
- Are the prescription medications I’m currently taking safe? If not, what can I take or do instead?
- Do you recommend a certain prenatal vitamin?
- Do you recommend any specific prenatal classes?
- How much weight should I gain, and at what rate?
- Do I have an increased risk of any specific complications or conditions?
- What kind of diet should I follow? Should I avoid certain foods and eat more of other foods?
- Are there any restrictions on sex throughout my pregnancy?
- Should I be doing any particular kind of exercise? What kind and amount is safe?
- What symptoms should I expect, and how can I manage them?
- What is your position on… Inductions? Scheduled c-sections? Epidurals and other pain medications? Episiotomies? Vacuum and forceps usage? IVs and EFMs? Delayed cord clamping? What are my options?
- When is a good time to call you with questions? Who should I call if you aren’t available?
If your questions weren’t on this list, or you just want to learn more or need to schedule your first baby appointment, please call us at (281) 444-3440.