How Votiva works and why women consider it

istock 479612692 The team “vaginal rejuvenation” can cause confusion for many women. However, this term is becoming more commonplace as women learn about the benefits of it. There are many reasons why a woman might consider these types of treatments at Northwest Women’s Center in Houston, TX. Vaginal rejuvenation is often used to address vaginal atrophy and laxity, where the muscles and skin of the vaginal area are stretched, thinned, and loose. It can also help women who have been diagnosed with stress urinary incontinence due to relaxed muscles and bladder spasms. To achieve results, many women turn to Votiva.

What is Votiva?

Votiva is an FDA-cleared device that administers radiofrequency energy through a probe that is inserted into the vaginal canal. This probe heats the vaginal muscles and tissues with radiofrequency energy which can stimulate collagen and elastin production in the treated area and result in tightening of the vaginal skin and canal. Treatments are done in short sessions that last approximately 20 minutes and are comfortable and noninvasive. Women do not need anesthetics or recovery time.

How many sessions do I need?

Many women start with three Votiva sessions spaced weeks apart, but may continue to have treatments done to experience the best results with time.

Why do Houston, TX area women choose to undergo Votiva treatments?

Many women who undergo Votiva sessions regularly will find they:

  • See an improvement in their stress urinary incontinence
  • Have tighter vaginal skin (including labia minora and labia majora)
  • Experience stronger sensations and sexual orgasms than before
  • Experience improved sensitivity in the vaginal area

This makes vaginal rejuvenation using the FDA-cleared Votiva device to be a popular choice amongst women who are experiencing changes to the vaginal area caused by the natural process of aging, pregnancy, or childbirth.

Enjoy Votiva treatments at Northwest Women’s Center

If you reside in the area of Houston, TX and want to speak to a professional about the benefits of utilizing Votiva treatments, connect with the providers at our practice at 13215 Dotson Road, Ste. #200. Our facility can be reached by phone to book an appointment at (281) 444-3440.

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