What are some tips and body changes that happen when it’s time to deliver a baby?

New born baby boy resting in mothers arms. Many new parents who are nearing the end of their pregnancy will have questions about when it is time to deliver their baby at the hospital. Houston, TX, area women who visit Northwest Women’s Center can learn about these indications from our experienced providers. For most women, some changes that can happen right before delivery include:

  • Your water breaking
  • An increase in bloody show
  • A feeling of pressure in your rectum or vagina
  • A change in your baby’s position in your pelvis

These are all signs that labor is progressing and your baby is ready to be born!

When do I need to go to the hospital to deliver my baby?

It would be best if you went to the hospital or birth center when you are in active labor, which is typically when your contractions are five minutes apart, last for 60 seconds, and are regular and consistent. You might also want to head to the hospital if your water breaks, if you are bleeding heavily, or if you feel like you can’t cope with the pain anymore. Trust your instincts, and don’t hesitate to contact your healthcare provider or head to the hospital if something doesn’t feel right.

What happens during delivery?

During delivery, you will push your baby out through your vagina. Your healthcare provider will help guide your baby’s head and body as they emerge. Once your baby’s head is out, their body will quickly follow. You may feel a great sense of relief once your baby is born, but the work isn’t quite done yet!

After your baby is born, you deliver the placenta. The placenta is an organ that has been growing along with your baby and provides them with nutrients and oxygen via the umbilical cord. Once the placenta is delivered, your healthcare provider will check to make sure that all of it has come out.

Schedule a visit with our team today!

Delivery is an amazing and miraculous process, but it can be scary and intimidating–especially for first-time parents. The team at Northwest Women’s Center is here to help! Call our Houston, TX area office at 281-444-3440 to request your prenatal appointment to discuss your pregnancy with our experienced and helpful providers.

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For existing patients, please contact us through the Patient Portal.

What happens in a consultation?

01. Get to know your Northwest Women’s Center physician.

02. Discuss your unique goals and concerns.

03. Receive a personalized procedure plan.

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